Back to School – Stop for the Bus wants you to know about school bus safety. Back to school means students need your attention, especially if they are getting on or off their school bus. Know the rules and pay attention to school buses.

Heed flashing lights. It’s the law in every state of the US.
Flashing yellow lights: bus will stop soon. Slow down so you can stop too.
Flashing red lights: usually the stop arm is extended on the side of the bus. Stop. Children are getting on or off the bus and are vulnerable. Wait until the stop arm is retracted before you resume moving.
Know when to stop for a school bus. In most states, if the bus is on the other side of the divided highway, you do not have to stop, but you need to check the rules in your state.
Railroad Crossings: School buses by law must stop at all railroad crossings.
Be more cautious when sharing the road with a school bus. Your visibility is limited if you are close to the bus and you may not see people in front of the bus.
Know the schedule and the route. If you hate following a school bus, alter your schedule by a few minutes so you are ahead of the bus or change your route so you don’t have the delay.