Five Inexpensive Ways to Practice Self-Care

Taking time for yourself is important for physical and mental health. Sometimes called self-care, it’s importance has never been higher than during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s a list of five self-care activities that can relax, calm and recenter you without unnerving your bank account.

Bath Bomb

Taking a bath is a favorite relaxing activity for many, but you can kick it up a notch with a bath bomb. They can be found in many sizes and scents and cost a couple of dollars at the most. Laying back in a warm bath with just the right scent will make you forget your worries and re-energize both your mind and body.

Light A Candle

Another way to use scent to induce calm and peace into your day is lighting a candle. Candles come in almost infinite scents and sizes and can cost as little as a few dollars. You can sit and consciously use the scent for relaxation, but even if you just light it and continue on your daily routine, the candle will make your home smell delightful instantly improving your mood.

Relaxing Sounds

Some people find the sound of rain relaxing. Others like bird noises, wind, waterfalls or waves crashing on a beach. A quick search on YouTube uncovers soundtracks of just about any relaxing type of sound you can imagine. Find a place you can be alone, put on your headphones, close your eyes and let your mind drift with the sound track of your choice.


Trying a yoga class is a common recommendation to help people practice mindfulness, and find inner peace along with the plethora of physical benefits. Yoga isn’t for everyone, but you can get much of the same benefits simply by stretching your body. Make sure you have plenty of room, and get rid of any distractions. Search the internet for good stretches, or just do what feels good.

Enjoy Your Favorite Indulgence

A favorite indulgence doesn’t have to be a full day at the spa costing hundreds of dollars. It might be a glass of wine, your favorite candy, or watching that show you love all by yourself. For me, it might be buying a package of my favorite kind of licorice and eating some of it slowly while sitting by myself looking out the window.

Self-care not only relaxes, calms and helps you prepare before or unwind after the day it also helps you be the bet you possible. Take some time, and just a few dollars and try one or all of the ideas above.

How about you, EOD Nation, do you practice self-care? What would you add to the list?

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