What Your Lawn Really Wants in Fall

Its fall and you decided to fertilize your own lawn.  Which fertilizer will you use?

A few clicks on the Home Depot site reveals over a hundred different lawn fertilizing products, and there are more when you actually go into the store.  So which lawn fertilizer should be used?  You can research it, and figure out that the pre-emergent offers nutrition and weed prevention.  When is that the right choice, and how dangerous is it to your pets and kids, since it has weed control in it?  Another fertilizer offers a nitrogen rich formula for that tired lawn.  How do you know your lawn is tired?  I mean, soon it will get a several month’s rest, so does that make sense for the fall treatment?  Which of these products are a good quality that can benefit your lawn, while being safe for your household?

Greensman professionals use high quality, organic fertilization treatments.  We inspect your lawn before making the decision on which treatment is appropriate, but we also favor certain applications at this time of year. The amazing part is that a professionally laid down fall treatment often costs little more than what you are paying for the supplies at the store. Meanwhile, our lawncare professionals have laid down a few tips for September lawn care that will reap big rewards when your spring lawn greens.

Tip 1: Soil Testing.  A soil test report is a great place for serious lawn enthusiasts to check soil nutrients and needs.  This can help guide you and your lawn care professionals in knowing which fertilizer and how much you should apply to your lawn.

Tip 2: Aeration.  Ok, we know you have been hearing this for a few weeks, but let’s look at the specifics. 

Depth: The Aeration holes should be two to two and a half inches deep.  This will allow the fertilizer treatment and seeds to get a head start on the next lawn season.  This also benefits the grasses that normally root deeper by helping them stretch into moveable, oxygen rich soil.

Spacing: The holes should be three to five inches apart.  This is where professionals with their equipment come in handy, as the equipment is already set up for optimum aeration results.

Moisture: aeration when soil is extremely wet can actually harden the ground instead of loosening the soil.  It is not recommended.

Tip 3: Seeding.  Once you completed the aeration, it is a great time to put down new seed.  Thicker lawns are more able to fight off crab grass and clover leaf.  Make sure the seeds you purchase are the type of grass you want to grow.  With a little additional watering following the seeding, you will see new blades of grass in a matter of weeks, before the winter sets in.

Tip 4: Fertilization. Fall is a great time to fertilize your lawn, but is not the best time to for weed control.  The best way to combat crabgrass and other weeks is to use a pre-emergent weed control treatment in the spring.  Remember, when you do use a weed control product, that it is not likely to be organic, so to keep children and pets off the lawn for the instructed period of time. 

Greensman offers free consultations and quote, and would love to help your lawn thrive.  Contact us or call (330) 299-8600 for guidance on September lawncare in Ohio.

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