Best Father’s Day Brunch Ever

Fathers Day Brunch

How many people went out to eat yesterday to celebrate Father’s Day? Whew, that’s a lot of hands. My hand is not up, I did not go out to eat. What I did was much better. Our neighborhood hosted a Father’s Day brunch in our cul-de-sac inviting people within our neighborhood, and even some friends that don’t.

Griddle Me A Main Course

A neighbor friend and I both own flat top griddles. He cooked lemon ricotta and cream cheese pancakes on his griddle, while I cooked made to order omelets on mine.  I even had order forms for people to write their name and circle the filling choices desired in their omelet. I would then call out the name on the ticket when the omelet was ready.

Everyone Contributed

We invited all the people who live in our cul-de-sac as well as some friends who don’t. Everyone contributed something towards the brunch.

  • Fruit: Two different families brought fruit. We had a fantastic assortment of cherries, blackberries raspberries, and strawberries.
  • Pastries: Those that volunteered to take pastry duty brought cinnamon rolls, fritters, donuts and monkey bread.
  • Bacon: Brunch wouldn’t be complete without a big pan of bacon supplied by one of our immediate neighbors.
  • Sausage: I had never seen a pan of sausage as large as the one brought by another neighborhood couple. They were delicious!
  • Juice: We had the best orange juice in town from a specialty grocery store. It tastes as close to freshly squeezed as I’ve ever had. Another neighbor brought vodka to mix in. Adult beverages are a must for any neighborhood gathering.
  • Tables and Chairs: People borrowed their six foot plastic tables and any folding chairs they had. We had about 30 people attend, and we had seating for everyone as well as extra tables for the food buffet.

I liked my Father’s Day brunch at home much more than going to a restaurant. Restaurants on Father’s Day are busy, the food is commonly mediocre because they’re so busy, and the bill is overpriced. Plus, we’d be rushed out of the restaurant to make room for the next group. Instead I spent hours with my friends eating fantastic food and making memories while starting a new tradition.

How about you, EOD Nation, how did you spend your Father’s Day?

The post Best Father’s Day Brunch Ever appeared first on Enemy of Debt.

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