Why August Lawn Care is so Important

It’s been a tough year for lawns in most of Northern Ohio.  Rainfall has been well below normal, and lawns may have been getting extra traffic as people sheltered in place during stay at home orders and then stay at home recommendations.  If you were about to just give up and hope for a better green lawn year in 2021, wait.  The things you do now can change how your lawn fares next year.  Yes, summer is winding down, but August is actually incredibly important time for lawncare.  Greensman professionals can evaluate your lawn for which treatments are safe to apply under the current summer heat stress conditions. 

Correct fertilization.  We know when to add fertilizer and when it can harm your grass. Normally, as temperatures get more moderate, August is a good time to add fertilizer to your lawn.  But fertilizer added to a heat stressed brown lawn can do more harm than good, and it can take over a year to recover, depending on how extensive the damage.  At the end of summer grass tends to be low on vital nutrients which greensman can apply in a safe, organic treatment that will reap green rewards next spring. 

Aeration.  When soil gets compacted, you may not know it.  Grass growing in compacted soil will be unable to develop deeper roots.  The shallow root system, or turf, will be more vulnerable to everything from insects, to dry conditions to blight.  Aeration loosens up the soil, allowing plants to establish a deeper, stronger root system that keeps your lawn healthier and stronger.  This is an important fall tool for lawns to come back stronger next spring.

Deal with Thatch. Thatch is that thin, fibrous stuff between growing grass and the soil beneath it.  Thatch can be beneficial because it has microorganisms that enhance plant growth.  Thatch makes its home in the decaying parts of grass creating the interwoven mat you can see up close.  If it is less than half an inch thick, it may not be a problem.  If the layer is thicker than half an inch, a de-thatching mower will remove the excessive materials that can smother your grass.

Overseeding.  If your lawn has formed dead grass patches you can sow new grass from the middle of August to the middle of September.  Lightly work the seed into the soil and loosely rake in the area and top dress with mulch.  This step should not be done prior to aeration, as it doesn’t work well on compacted soil. 

Greensman can save you a lot of time, frustration, for little more than your cost of materials. Reach out to us today and we can handle all the treatments your lawn needs to come back more green and lush than ever.  We use only high quality products, most of which are organic.  It’s okay to make the neighbors jealous, just this once, so you love coming home to a gorgeous green lawn.  Contact us for your free consultation or call (330)  299-8600. 

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