Why Zagar Collets are the Right Choice
Collets exert more clamping force per square inch than any other method of clamping can apply. With over 80 years of superior quality work holding manufacturing experience, Zagar engineers its collets to offer superior accuracy, adaptability and quick load capability facilitating shortened machine down time.
What Makes Zagar Products so Good
Zagar manufactures hydraulic and pneumatic drill collets using master craftsmanship on finest quality materials. These units can be used in severe environments as needed. The types of Collets manufactured include standard draw type, master external and internal and blanks. Today’s collets are made to be mounted to any fixture to work with CNC machines, maintaining high accuracy that can be counted on over and over again. Zagar collet are also used with draw bar actuated collet chucks, and auto indexing fixtures can be applied to various applications including custom IDs. Custom-built pallet fixtures are available with several mounted collet units for use with multiple part sheeting operations.
Zagar Collets feature the two inch master, the 16C and the 5C with round, broaching square, hexagon or custom IDs. Each Zagar collet boasts a flat top for locating, rear locating diagram for axial alignments. These units expand farther for easier loading and offer improved holding pressure, wide slots for chip removal and wrench room. They are available in 3 and 4 slot designs. and have received slots which eliminates stress cracking.
Type of Zagar Collet Fixtures
The Zagar Standard Draw-Type Collet offers an axial locator, wide slots, over sprung for easy loading, location enhancing flat tops, burr free thread end and stress relief for expansion slots.
Master External Collets answer a wide range of solutions at a lower costs. These units feature a fixed position design, the same location enhancing flat tops as in the standard draw type collet units, axial locator next to the threads and are over sprung for easy loading.
Master Internal Collets from Zagar holds larger diameter while they deliver a stronger grip on the bore diameter, and quick pad changeovers.
Standard Draw Collet Blanks are completely heat treatable, are useable soft or hard, supplied soft with slots partially machined. Modifications for your application are quotable upon request.
Step (Emergency) Collet Blanks are for diameters beyond standard design limits. With the best of planning, emergencies can still come up that require an odd size or special shaped collet. Zagar Step Emergency Collet Blanks are supplied soft so you can shape it to your requirements without losing a lot of machine down time. E-mail sales@Zagarinc.com or call (216) 731-0500 for specifications information and quotes.
Zagar Collets are Built to Last
There are Industrial Collets from Zagar, made decades ago that are still fully functional and are in use today. That is a reflection of the Zagar commitment to quality on its Collet units. Zagar specializes in machining both ferrous and non-ferrous materials, for industries such as appliances, automotive, aerospace, electrical, medical, off-road construction equipment, hydraulic. Offering pneumatic and high-production drilling and tapping and workholding equipment, Zagar has built its business on blending high endurance with high speed production. Let Zagar save you both time and labor in your production process. Visit Zagar.com, email to sales@Zagarinc.com or call us today at (216) 731-0500 and tell us about your production challenges.