Choosing the Right Door

Your door is the entryway and the initial threshold impression of your home to yourself, and everyone who comes to your home.  So, when your door is shabby, peeling or cracked, it may chip a little off of your confidence quotient every time you come through it.  Replacing a damaged or aged front door can…

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August Home Maintenance Checklist

Interior projects can be done in any season, but the milder weather of a Minnesota August makes it a great time to get some of those procrastinated exterior home improvements done.

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Your Windows Called…

Your Windows called.  They want to All Pro Xteriors to bring in replacements showing a whole new world!  Quality, energy efficient rated, beautiful windows from All Pro Xteriors can save you money on your energy bills in the summer heat and all winter too. Call us (952) 486-7834 or visit #windows #homerenovation #homeimprovement

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Rain: Refreshing Until it Isn’t

Rain is so refreshing… until it runs down your home’s roof, walls and foundation, that water can cause damage throughout your home.  The professionals at All Pro Xteriors can carry out a free, no obligation inspection that is delivered digitally or by mail so you can get the information that helps you decide whether it…

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