Have a Materials or Elemental Question?
NSL can help you find the RIGHT answer.
NSL participates in a rigorous program of certifications and approvals world-wide which give you proof of our capabilities which are always expanding. For example, in 2019 we added equipment to keep NSL in the technological forefront of the industry to serve your needs.
Mechanical Testing
New Instron 5985 Testing System performs tensile and compression testing; and also shear, flexure, peel, tear, and bend tests. For testing high-strength metals and alloys, advanced composites, aerospace and automotive structures, bolts, fasteners, and plate steels.
Elemental Testing
New SPECTROLAB Spark OES metal analyzer for nickel, titanium, iron, cobalt and aluminum alloys, covering 46 elements for greater speed and flexibility for all your alloy testing requirements.
Remote SEM Analysis
Hitachi Scanning Electron Microscope affords greater capabilities with EDS and remote operational capabilities right from your location. You can direct the testing, (from your facility) with our metallurgist testing your sample in real time
Lab Expansion
New powder characterization capabilities, including dynamic flow rheology, BET surface area and gas pycnometry to support your needs in quality control, materials development and Additive Manufacturing processing.
New Publications
We participate in many efforts to help our clients keep at the technical forefront, including research and publication. NSL’s analytical operations manager, Dr. Dave van der Wiel, published an article entitled “Advanced Powder Characterization for Additive Manufacturing,” published in ASM International’s Advanced Materials & Processes magazine. Be sure to read the recent article entitled “Materials Testing Standardization in Metal Additive Manufacturing” in Quality Magazine.
Trusted Approvals and Accreditations
Learn more about our expanding range of certifications and approvals world-wide. NSL’s Testing Laboratories maintains accreditation or “approved laboratory” status under Nadcap, ISO 17025 and many other lab certification programs. Check it out here!