NSL Analytical Expands Offered Testing Services.

When your business needs ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation, Look to NSL Analytical Services. NSL Analytical recently received Renewal of the prestigious ISO/IEC 17025-2017 in addition to scope expansion. That allows NSL to provide several additional testing services to its clients. Additional methods and tests approved by ANAB the ILAC approved accreditation body.
- ASTM E572, ASTM E1172 Elemental Analysis for Co,Fe,Ni,Ti Alloys, Ceramics by XRF.
- IEC 62321-4 Mercury in polymers, metals and electronics by CV-AAS, ICP-OES for RoHS Testing: Electronic and Consumer Products (All Metals, Alloys, Ceramics, Plastics, Polymers, Coatings)
- IEC 62321-6 PBB and PBDE in Polymers by GC-MS for RoHS Testing useful on: Electronic and Consumer Products (All Metals, Alloys, Ceramics, Plastics, Polymers, Coatings)
- Are you RoHS 3 compliant? NSL has added IEC 62321-6 PBB and PBDE in Polymers by GC-MS for RoHS Testing: Electronic and Consumer Products (All Metals, Alloys, Ceramics, Plastics, Polymers, Coatings)
- ASTM D1293 pH for Aqueous Solutions, Chemicals, Water by pH Ion Meter
- ASTM D1293 Conductivity & Resistivity for Aqueous Solutions, Chemicals, Water by Fisher Meter
- ASTM B922, ASTM C1247, ISO9277 Surface Area – BET Analysis for Powders
- ASTM B923, ISO12154, MPIF 63 Skeletal Volume & Density by Helium or Nitrogen Pycnometry for powders, components
- PC-009 Material Flow Properties for Powders by Powder Rheometer
NSL Analytics methods are exacting, our comprehensive range of available tests is ever expanding as our turnaround remains quick and reliable. Please call us at (877) 560-3943 for answers to any questions or email us at techsales@nslanalytical.com. Find out why NSL Analytical has the RIGHT answers to your material questions.