Posts Tagged ‘foreclosure process’
Veteran Losing Home to VA Foreclosure, Though he Tried to Pay
Jason ‘Jay’ Sutton is a veteran who has suffered a lot of losses in his life, and is now facing one more loss; his home. Sutton’s first wife served in Iraq and developed leukemia, possibly from the burn pits there. She passed away a year later. Sutton’s later met his second wife, Kelly, who contracted…
Read More5 Choices If You Can’t Make Your Mortgage Payment
Going into a Foreclosure can be a demoralizing situation. Saving your home from foreclosure can be exhausting, expensive and incredibly stressful. If you lose the battle, you may not be able to buy a new home for several years, and even renting an apartment or home will require letters of explanation and proof of affordability. …
Read MoreFighting Foreclosure With a Licensed Local Attorney
When you fight foreclosure, the battle is frustrating and difficult to win. It is especially difficult to fight foreclosure if the lender isn’t playing by the rules. Being in default on a mortgage is already a rough position to be in, but being wrongfully foreclosed means convincing the court that the lender is WRONG. Since…
Read MoreThe Consequences of Foreclosure You May Not Know About
Is your mortgage in default, but you are trying to fight foreclosure? It takes endurance, drive and focus. Sometimes homeowners wonder if it is worth the fight. Only you can decide whether keeping the home makes more sense than letting the lender take back the property to satisfy the debt, if that even really satisfies…
Read MoreFighting Foreclosures reminds you that banks and lenders are not the only threat of foreclosure. Earlier this year, homeowners and housing experts attested to homes worth millions of dollars being stolen. As Brooklyn real estate values skyrocket, homeowners are being targeted by housing predators, losing homes through deed theft, liens for minor bills, fraudulent documents, wrongful…
Read MoreLost Your Home to Foreclosure?
You May Have Money Coming to You. If you have lost, or are losing your home in a foreclosure case, you need to know the rules in your area. In Franklin County Ohio, almost 3,000 homeowners have money left over from a sheriff’s sale waiting to be claimed at the Common Pleas clerk’s office. Under…
Read MoreThe Longest Foreclosure Case! asks if your foreclosure battle with your lender feels like it has been going on forever. The longest battle we are aware of is that of Patsy Campbell in Okeechobee county Florida. First filed in 1985, the foreclosure case against Ms. Campbell outlasted six different banks, 2 marriages, four presidencies, and the birth of…
Read MoreWhen is a Foreclosure Wrongful
When you are Fighting a Foreclosure, it can be incredibly frustrating when complete strangers show up at your door and demand to see your home because they want to buy it. It is so important to remain calm even at a time like this. Every state, whether judicial or non-judicial has required foreclosure procedures that…
Read MoreTypes of Foreclosures in NYC
Attorney Michael Karlson explains the different types of foreclosures, several of which are unique to New York City. You can read all about the special types of foreclosure at #foreclosure #stopforeclosure #mortgagehelp
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