Cane Masters Canes for Walking Benefits
Cane Masters Inc. was founded because Grand Master Mark Shuey believed in safety for those who needed a cane for mobility. He was appalled that someone who used a cane for walking would be targeted by muggers or thugs. Today, that concern has not changed, though we face a bigger threat, less visible and more pervasive. COVID 19 has spread throughout the globe, and understandably, people are worried. With that said, the CDC and other health officials remind us while practicing social distancing, to get outside and walk. Even if you need a walking cane, it is important to get in the sunshine and get exercise whenever you can.
As the weather improves, and if you are physically able, grab your walking cane and go outside to absorb the sun. Perhaps you can drive to a low traffic park or garden where there are paths to safely walk. The healthier you are, the better the chances your immune system can fight off the current virus pandemic. As the days get longer, there are more hours when you can take a break, and grab your cane and go for a walk. Based on a Harvard health article, the simple activity of walking is now called “the closest thing we have to a wonder drug” according to former director of the centers for disease control and prevention, Dr. Thomas Frieden. Harvard listed more benefits of walking. Get your walking cane and:

Boost your immune function. A study of over 1,000 men and women found that those who walked at least 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week, had 43% fewer sick days, with milder symptoms, than those who exercised once a week or less.
Tame your sweet tooth. A study from University of Exeter found a 15 minute walk can curb cravings for chocolate. Hmmm.
Counteract the effects of weight-promoting genes. Harvard researchers discovered that among the study participants who walked briskly for an hour daily, the effects of those genes were cut in half.
Emotional Wellness. There is something calming about walking outside near greenery. At the least, it can help you work through problems or concerns you have. This is not always possible when the handicap is too severe to allow walking, but in an article published in the Lancet August 08,2018, findings noted that individuals who exercised 45 minutes three to five times a week, had 43.2% fewer days of poor mental health than individuals who did not exercise but matched other characteristics of the test subjects.
Strength and Endurance. As you are able to walk further each time, even when using a cane, your body gets a little stronger. Over time, you may even find your balance improves as your strength returns.
Improved sleep. This is a chain reaction. Regular exercise, such as walking, often leads to improved sleep patterns, which can also reduce tiredness and increase mental alertness. (source
Studies show there are more benefits of walking, but if you are mobility challenged, how can you reap the benefits others derive from all that walking?

If you feel independent walking is out of the question for you, consider about a Cane Masters cane. A Cane Masters walking cane is dependable, and is made to support you as you begin to build up your walking routine. Available in oak, hickory, hickory heartwood or hickory with heartwood, Cane Masters walking canes are beautifully hand crafted and incredibly strong. Start with small trips or paths, even in your yard. Get started with a hand crafted, durable cane from Cane Masters Inc. You will enjoy its beauty as well as the strength it brings.
If you want something really special, use the Cane Masters Customizing options. You can see several designs on our site at or call us at (800) 422-2263 for more information. This is your health we are talking about. Reach out today. You can begin to increase your mobility with a handcrafted Cane Masters walking cane.