The Pandemic Impact on Manufacturing in 2021

/> Pandemic Impact on Manufacturing[/caption] Zagar Inc. congratulates many manufacturers for not only surviving the impact of the 2020 pandemic, but for actually thriving in it. There may be reason for optimism in 2021. In a recent predictive article, Forbes states manufacturers and distribution companies noted growth, however modest, during the 2020 pandemic. In the…

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The Economic Impact of Materials Testing in 2020

2020 will go down in the history books as one of the strangest and most influential years in history as the world grapples with the new realities resulting from the impact of a global pandemic, COVID-19, which has reached into every aspect of society, making the testing industry a part of common conversation.

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How is Soap Made and Tested?

Soap, an unsung hero, limiting the spread of SARSCoV-2, can also be scented, hand softening, liquid or bar, and cleansing. And all of those attributes, need to be tested by a lab such as NSL Analytical Services before the product is marketed

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