Everyday Products Tested in Multiple Ways
Today, due to a spike in more thorough hand washing methods, moisturizing lotions have grown in use. Hand moisturizing lotions have always been popular, but recently, with the emphasis on the washing of your hands as a means of reduction of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 (previously known as COVID-19), many consumers are breaking out the lotion bottles and tubes for relief from increasingly dried and chapped hands. Moisturizing Lotion formulas are as varied as the innumerable companies who develop them, but of course, before any of them go to market, they must be product tested by a materials testing lab such as NSL Analytical Services.

Many cosmetic products today boast non-animal tested or cruelty free tested for their salves and moisturizing lotions, but the materials that go into their hand lotion cosmetic products must still undergo analysis. The FDA notes that non-animal product testing, as long as it is scientifically sound, can still help ensure the safety of the product, while it protects the longevity of the company producing that product.
NSL Analytical Services offers a broad range of skill and experience in regulatory safety testing and the integrity of a moisturizing lotion’s formula or composition. Materials regulated and monitored by federal and state agencies should be tested for compliance and safety prior to production and marketing.
Verification of formulas. NSL Analytical Services Chemical Composition testing capacity includes chemical trace analysis, elemental trace analysis, contamination analysis, and materials analysis and testing. The final product hand lotion is only as good as the components that go into it. If the formula is inconsistent due to supplier issues, it is better to discover that prior to mass producing the mixture. Contamination analysis is not only used in the current period, but it can also help the product developer determine the best method of packaging that will limit product contamination during consumer use. Remember, if the consumer has to dip their fingers into the lotion to apply that lotion, by the end of the container, the product could lose its integrity. Consulting services to make pre-production decisions like packaging, can save post market issues later.
To learn more about consulting services available for a product you are developing or marketing, contact NSL Analytical Services for a quote on what services are available and most beneficial for you.
Bulk analysis. NSL Analytical Services provides Independent verification of materials, as well as certification of raw materials from suppliers. As mentioned earlier, it is important to discover flaws in the integrity of your materials prior to mass production, especially in highly regulated industries.
Products packaging testing. Tests may include failure analysis and polymer lab services such as compositional analysis, physical properties, polymer lab instrumentation and more.
Under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) the FDA regulates hand lotions as a cosmetic. Under this classification, the moisturizing lotion does not have to be sterile, but must not contain “Harmful microorganisms” which incurs that microbiological testing methods should be applied.
To learn more about consulting services available for a product you are developing or marketing, contact NSL Analytical Services for a quote on what services are available and most beneficial for you.