New York Foreclosures Still Twice as Many as Five Years Ago

If you thought foreclosures were done, you’d be wrong.  NYC has some of the most expensive real estate in the United States.  It also has a foreclosure rate more than twice what it was in 2014.  The number of foreclosure filings peaked in 2017, but in 2019 it still lingered above normal levels, at 3,000 foreclosure filings.  Though it would be nice to believe that the trend for a decrease in foreclosure actions each year will continue, recent lockdowns and quarantines have slowed the economy and it looks like we make see NYC foreclosures resume their climb.

That’s the bad news.  The good news is that if you are threatened by foreclosure, or will soon face foreclosure, can connect you to excellent New York attorneys, experienced in foreclosure defense.  You can talk with your attorney by phone or teleconference to discuss your situation and potential solutions.  You have a short amount of time to get the foreclosure representation you need, so you are ready when the courts resume normal activity.  Be ready with a lawyer who will fight to protect your home.  Visit or call (888) 800-6030 today.