Spring & the Power of the Sun

Its official!  North of the equator, spring is here, and the sun has returned.  Ok, it never left, as anyone with a solar energy system can tell you.  Still, every year when sunlight changes in spring, I enjoy the amazing power of the sun.  I find it incredible that sun power, once you have the equipment to harness it, is absolutely free.  So what is the best way to have the equipment installed so you can start enjoying free sun power?  In Minnesota, family owned Renewable Solar Resources offers great analysis, setup, installation and support services for your solar power system.  Wherever you live, there are some basic steps to take when you want to convert your home to run on the power of the sun. 

Learn your PV potential

No matter where in the country your property lies, it makes sense for a professional to evaluate the site for photovoltaic energy potential.  The sun’s gamma rays can be measured to determine whether there is enough light for photovoltaic cells to produce power.  Even in a sunny area, tall buildings, trees or other structures can eclipse needed sunlight rendering solar panel cells ineffective.  There is good news.  Often multiple areas on a site hold PV possibilities, even if not on a south facing roof.  Renewable Solar.com makes site visits where can analyze the amount of sun using equipment built for that purpose.  The consultation is free.  The information is critical to your decision to convert to solar power for your home or business. 

Figure out how to finance it.

What does it cost to convert a home or business to electricity?  There is no blanket answer, since each situation has a wide variety of factors affecting needed panels.  It will cost a few thousand dollars to install.  Stop here to remember you are buying all your house’s electricity for the next 25 years.  You will save money over the term of use, but there are some other things to help you now.  The renewable energy tax credit was extended in the COVID19 stimulus bill.  The law offers 26 percent of the cost of your solar power system installation as tax credits.  If you would owe the taxes, it can save you a quarter of your costs. 

Because a solar power generation system is considered a desirable feature on a home being purchased, lenders now consider a professionally installed system a home improvement.  That means banks are willing to lend money to eligible homeowners seeking funds to pay for the solar power conversion.  Loans may be refinances of the original mortgage, or could be in the form of a home equity line of credit. 

If you can pay for the home improvement out of your IRA or 401K, make sure you repay it as a regular loan, so you don’t short yourself later.  Better yet, if you have been saving for the solar energy conversion, you can use the funds you already set aside. 

Figure out your panel and power storage needs.

Once you know what your power production and usage will be, you can consider whether you need a battery.  Except in mid-summer, residential energy usage is highest in the evening.  The highest energy production is in the middle of the day.  Since the majority of electricity will be used off-peak production hours, it’s practical to consider energy storage for your system.  There are several options in solar power storage, from small batteries.

Decide on Your Solar Panel Installation Professional

In Plymouth Minnesota, Renewable Solar Resources is a great choice.  Randy Golla runs the family business in a no pressure, transparent options kind of way.  Randy is passionate about helping people convert to clean, green energy and is a fount of information.  Contact Randy  or call (888) 432-9024 to set up your free solar conversion consultation today.  Renewable Solar Resources help clients through the entire process from audit, to permits, to your first KW.  Renewable Solar makes the path clean energy a smooth one.  Once you decide on your solar panel installation company, enjoy.  Renewable Solar Resources shows clients how to harness the power of the sun.