Is the Foreclosure Moratorium Extended?
If the Foreclosure Moratorium is Extended, Why is My Lender Still Threatening to Foreclose?
In March, state to state lockdowns created concerns over homeowner’s ability to keep up with payments on their mortgages. The announcement of a moratorium on foreclosures and evictions were a huge relief to homeowners laid off or with restricted income due to COVID19 fallout. The Federal Housing Finance Agency announced that foreclosure and eviction moratoriums for loans that were backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have been extended to June 30, instead of the original May 17 expiration date. On May 14, FHA and VA announced that they too, would also extend the original pandemic foreclosure moratorium through June 30, 2020. FHA cited that “…no American should have to worry about losing their home amidst a crisis.” Unfortunately, it seems that many Americans had to do just that.

Stories of homeowners facing foreclosure while unemployed have been on the news. Some lenders were still proceeding with foreclosures, unless borrowers specifically notified them that they needed mortgages assistance due to financial distress directly caused by the pandemic.
There are other loopholes in the moratorium. If your mortgage was not backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, or insured by FHA, or VA, then your lender may choose whether they wish to be responsive. If you have asked for a period of forbearance, due to financial hardship related to the COVID19 pandemic, and your lender is not willing to work with you, you could be at risk of losing one of your largest assets that you worked hard to call home. can connect you to a local attorney to represent your interests that are being threatened by your lender. Visit and click get help for a no obligation call with information regarding representation.