Debt Collection is Not Credit Repair

There are firms that specialize in helping you negotiate your credit balances and settle your debt accounts for a fee.  Then there are collection companies.  Each type of firm answers to a different set of regulations.  If you feel a creditor is mishandling your debt, you should certainly check into it.  Just be aware that…

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Gratitude – Not Greed

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Melody Beattie, bestselling author. In the movie Wallstreet, iconic speech by Gordon Gekko declares “…Greed, for lack of a better word,  is good. Greed is right.  Greed works…”  Gordon was wrong.  Drive is good.  Inspiration is good.  Desire to improve the world is good.  Pure, unadulterated greed…

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Beat the Winter Doldrums On a Budget can help you find freedom from debt, but staying committed to your budget will make all the difference in your level of success. It is winter in the northern-lands, and cabin fever is a threat, so I am looking for things to do without blowing our budget.  The following list excludes activities like watching…

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7 Ways to Bring Back Holiday Joy

It can be tough to get excited about Holidays when you are struggling to keep up with the debt you already have.  Maybe you need some activities to bring nostalgia and FUN back into the season. Here are some reminders and ideas to give you back your holiday joy this year. Just say no.  You…

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Rising Debt Danger

Rising Personal Debt: Last week, The Federal Reserve Bank of New York released debt statistics for the 3rd quarter.  While noting that delinquent mortgages have decreased, the Household Debt and Credit Report states the total debt balance of mortgages has actually increased to $13.95 trillion, $1.3 trillion higher than the previous mortgage peak of $12.68…

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Spending Moratorium – Final Insights

Well, it has been just over the 6 months I committed to on my spending moratorium.  I have been able to save some money, so I can pay off some of my debt. I do not think I will continue on the spending moratorium to reduce debt, but I do think it has taught me…

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30 Days of Saving

I am constantly looking at fresh approaches to debt freedom, so when I recently came across the 30 day savings rule, I liked that it has a lot of common sense behind it.  Impulse purchases can quickly derail any debt reduction or debt elimination plan, but impulse purchases can be so tempting.  When you see…

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You Can Stop Unsustainable Debt by following these 6 Steps.

Unsustainable debt.  Whole nations struggle with how to control it, but you can be debt free by following these six steps. Make a budget.  Check what your take home pay is.  List your monthly obligations.  For this exercise, don’t worry about whether your monthly obligations are over your take home pay, just get the expenses…

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Stop Sabotaging Your Success

It’s easy to see how others sometimes create financial stress on our budget, but it is amazing how many of us are our own enemies when it comes to debt free financial wellness.  We make several small but positive financial moves.  Our debts are shrinking, or the savings account is growing, or we finally have…

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