Your Consultation and Energy Audit Solution
Renewable Solar Resources is offering a free consultation and energy audit to give you a hand in realizing maximum potential from your solar conversion. We are based in Minnesota.
Solar Magazine reports that the global solar market is expanding with an estimate of 1 trillion watts solar PV capacity installed by 2023. This opens up a massive opportunity for energy investors and those looking to fulfill Sustainable Development Goal 7: access to affordable, sustainable, reliable, and modern energy. With this in mind, Renewable Solar Resources ensures that you are in the forefront of those that will be celebrating.

Minnesota Recognizes the value of Solar Energy
A solar farm is proposed to be put up in South Plymouth on a 6.9-acre piece of land to be built on Dry Cedar Swamp Road. The project is estimated to produce 998 kilowatts of solar energy. This is one of the biggest steps made in the industry, clearly showing that solar power is the next big thing.
Solar is a Proven Reliable Power Source Even in the Northern States.
Minnesota is one of those places with the most unexploited solar resources. Over the recent past, Minnesotans are exploring and learning more about their solar potential. With this, demand is catching up and will continue to rise as the idea spreads. Catching a promising market at its infancy stages is one of the most crucial tactics in any business, and we are here to see to it that you have a smooth experience.
Solar energy proved to be one of the most cost-effective, environmentally friendly electricity resource. Other characteristics will keep demand for solar power high. Technological advances uncovered from time to time as well as declining equipment cost keep this energy resource popular. By getting your free energy audit, you can discover how to turn your energy usage into a more manageable level.
Renewable Solar Resources will Make Your Switch to Solar Power a Smooth One.
We will be glad to be your energy guide as you take the leap to use renewable energy. You can sit back and relax as we deal with permit requirements, grid connections and more.
Venturing into renewables means that you are an environment conservator, or you want to save a dollar or both. Whichever the case, we have you covered, and you can read the Home Energy Guide, which, when affected, cuts energy use by a significant margin.
There are several measures to take before acquiring a solar panel.
- Get as much information on the topic as you can. Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) can give you important insights into the field. You can also take classes, go for community education, and consult friends and neighbors with solar panels. This is one of the reasons Renewable Solar Resources offers an energy audit.
- Planning. Check if your area is suitable for solar installation using the Minnesota Solar Suitability App. You will also have to get a site assessment of your location from Minnesota Renewable Energy Society experts.
- You will also have to research the best bids and learn how to pay for installation. With the best bid, you can sign a contract and have your system ready to go.
In the current economy, the smallest margins make the biggest difference. That is where we come in to guide you through the best ways and tactics. Be keen on details, always find what best suits you, and provide good value for your money.